Faculty Profile

John Hossler

John Hossler

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Email: hosslerj@nbzhiai.com
Phone: 206-281-2957
Office: Otto Miller Hall 116

Education: BS, George Fox University, 2006; MA, University of Montana, 2008; PhD, University of Montana, 2012. At SPU since 2012.

Dr. John Hossler came to SPU after finishing his graduate degrees at the University of Montana. At SPU, he primarily teaches the calculus series and introduction to statistics classes, as well as the “Senior Capstone Seminar,” “Introduction to Proof,” “College Readiness Math,” and “Engineering Probability and Statistics.”

Dr. Hossler’s research interests include statistical consulting, especially with undergraduate faculty and students; pedagogy and classroom design, such as the flipped classroom or gamification; and probability. He and John Lindberg, associate professor of physics at SPU, were awarded an Academic Innovation Exploratory Grant from SPU for their research into the gamification of STEM courses.

When he’s not attending to his duties for SPU and the Mathematics Department, Dr. Hossler enjoys spending quality time with his wife and children. He and his family love the great outdoors and have a special fondness for the zoo. Dr. Hossler and his wife are fully committed to Christ and are blessed to be a part of First Free Methodist Church family.

Dr. Hossler loves teaching, learning, and watching others learn. He revels in the “aha” moments that others have, especially his students and his children, and he feels blessed to play a role in those stories.

Please view Dr. Hossler’s CV (PDF) for additional information.

Personal links

Dr. Hossler’s website

John Hossler

Why I Teach at SPU

John Hossler, Associate Professor of Mathematics

“I love Jesus. I love math. I love students. SPU is a place where I am blessed to be able to incorporate these loves simultaneously, enthusiastically, and unashamedly. I teach at SPU because of the beautiful array of students, faculty, staff, and administration. It is truly uplifting to see people from so many different backgrounds doing what they love all for the glory of Christ Jesus, and I feel grateful just to be a part of this wonderful community.”